Thursday, March 1, 2012

Online Discussion

King Arthur was a legendary character that created a round table in order to standardize equality among his knights. While his idea of creating a table that equalized the playing field is nice, many have argued over time that his ideal is just ideal. In some cultures, some people are more equal than others. In American culture there is an ideal of equal opportunity. For many years there was nothing that really equalized the playing field for everyone, but one could argue that new technologies have changed that because limitations of geography have been minimized and information access has improved. 

With that in mind, answer in your discussion board response for this week the following questions: 

1. Arthur's idea had been that by having a round table, everyone would have an equal voice and there would not be anyone with more power than others when discussions were taking place. Explain why you do or do not think that the Internet has become a round table. 

2. Have new technologies equalized the playing field for many and if so in what ways? If not, why do you believe that they have not? 

3. Reflect on the two items above and explain why you believe that we have or have not moved towards equality with the invention of new technologies. 

By Thursday: You need to respond to the prompt above. There is no set limit on the number of sentences, but you do need to include enough information to fully answer the prompt. Remember that this prompt has multiple parts to it, and you will need to answer them all. Also, please remember that your responses must be based on research articles and outside resources from the class readings and beyond.

By Tuesday of next week: You will need to respond to at least two of your peers. Your response must do one of the following:

- Pose a question for further conversation.
- Provide an insight that could further the conversation.
- Provide an answer or clarification sought by the initial poster.

Comments like the following will receive NO credit:
"I agree"
"You read my mind."
"Great post!"

Please make sure that you have checked for spelling and grammar errors.

The discussion board rubric can be found at this link. 

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